10-Question AGENCY Quiz

Grab a pen & paper and reflect on the role AGENCY plays in your life with these 10-questions.

  1. How would you define AGENCY? What does it mean to you?
  2. Who facilitated AGENCY in you when you were growing up? How so? Describe a time they encouraged you to figure things out on your own and take responsibility.
  3. Who didn’t support your AGENCY in your childhood? How did they discourage or undermine your autonomy? How did their behavior impact you then – and now?
  4. When is a time you acted with AGENCY? How did you “take charge?” What did you say to yourself to get resourceful and take responsibility to fix or influence what was happening?
  5. When was a time you did not demonstrate AGENCY – a time you did not handle things proactively? If you could have a do-over, what would you do differently?
  6. Who is a current example of AGENCY – someone you respect who takes initiative to improve the world around them? Share an example of a time they did this.
  7. Who is someone you work or live with or around who does NOT take AGENCY over their life? Why do you think this is? How does their behavior affect you?
  8. What are the benefits of AGENCY? How does it impact our quality of life?
  9. If AGENCY is so important, why don’t we do it sometimes? What blocks it?
  10. What do you wish someone had taught you earlier about AGENCY? What is one piece of advice you’d like to give about how to exercise AGENCY on a daily basis?

I’d love to hear your insights. Feel free to click the button to to share your stories. And, with your permission, I’ll pass along your aha’s to create a rising-tide conversation on this topic so others can benefit from what you’ve learned.