Topics covered are always customized to be relevant and timely to your audience

Sam’s engaging presence, original stories, actionable insights, and laugh-out-loud humor have earned her top speaker rankings at many conventions including the International Platform Association and the INC 500 convention along with Seth Godin, Tim Ferris & Jim Collins.
Would you like a COHORT or TRAINING WORKSHOP tailored to your group’s needs?
Sam always customizes her content so it’s in alignment with your goals and priorities.
Perhaps most importantly, know that Sam sets up two-way communication during her programs so everyone feels they have a voice, are part of a community, and they feel seen, heard, appreciated, and connected.
Want a specific topic you don’t see below? Contact us here, we’d love to hear from you.
Turn Your NOW into an Even Better NEXT
In this interactive, results-driven workshop, you’ll use Sam’s Now to Next Wheel to gain instant clarity on your priorities and apply her A.G.E.N.C.Y. framework to turn them into action.
You’ll walk away with:
Leave feeling inspired, focused, and ready to make this your best year yet!
How to Say a Lot in a Little
The clock starts ticking the second you start talking. What is an idea you want approved, a project you want green-lighted, a course of action you want people to say YES to? Discover how to replace INFObesity with INTRIGUE and quickly win people’s support, respect, and buy-in.
In this highly interactive workshop, you will learn:
How to Get Along with People You Don’t Get Along With
Discover why this session is almost always the highest-rated at conferences.
Sam Horn shares her Tongue Fu!® techniques and proven strategies to proactively handle everyday character-building situations.
Plus her LOL stories provide examples of what to say and not to say – so you’ll never be tongue-tied or tongue-twisted again.
In this session you’ll learn:
How to be one of a kind instead of one of many
Why Now is the New Later
How to Focus When You Don’t Feel Like it
We live in a world of distractions, and when motivation takes a nosedive, getting focused can feel impossible. The good news? Concentration is a skill anyone can learn!
In this interactive and insightful talk, you’ll discover how to:
Whether you’re juggling multiple priorities, struggling with creative blocks, or just feeling stuck, ConZentrate gives you practical tools to reclaim your focus and get back in the zone—no willpower required.
* Endorsed by Dr. Ed Hallowell—often called the father of focus and author of Driven to Distraction
Want to book Sam for your event, podcast, conference, or interview? Want a topic not mentioned here?
Click the button below to send an inquiry and tell us what you’re looking for.
Based out of Austin, Texas
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process for capturing and keeping attention from start to finish.
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