Challenging times invite us to study the Stoics. Many of our greatest philosophers – Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Epictetus- dealt with life challenges, and all arrived at enduring wisdom – which we can access & integrate.
Browsing CategoryThe Better Newsletter
The Creative’s Contract – The Better Newsletter #57
I’ll always remember walking Wailea Beach with National Geographic photographer Dewitt Jones. We’d go about 100 yards and he’d stop, whip out a little notebook and pen from his pocket and write something down. I finally asked, “Dewitt, what are you doing?”
Lead a Horse to Water… – The Better Newsletter #56
My friend Maria passed her state’s real estate exam and obtained her license. After many weekends of open houses, Maria hadn’t made one sale.
Trust FALL or Trust CALL? – The Better Newsletter #55
A while back, I was talking to my friend who was moving on from a relationship. She sighed, “I guess it’s just a trust fall…”
Live In The Now! – The Better Newsletter #53
Years ago, I had the pleasure of sharing breakfast with Ivan Misner, founder of BNI. After hearing about my full calendar of speaking, consulting and traveling, he asked, “What do you do for fun?”
Sell vs Serve – The Better Newsletter #52
Instead of chasing away potential clients by trying to sell them, it’s wiser to give people an opportunity to experience you in action so they CHOOSE to work with you.
Wallowing Won’t Win – The Better Newsletter #51
Growing up in 4-H and FFA, my siblings and I spent summers taking our animals to the county fair.
Break Out Instead of Blend In – The Better Newsletter #50
JJ asked me, “I want you to kick off the program, so what’s the FIRST thing we need to do to create a successful book that sells for years to come?”
Are You In The Arena? – The Better Newsletter #49
I went to the pool last week and struck up a conversation with the woman next to me while we did water aerobics. I asked her, “Are you excited that football is back this week?”
Create Connection (Not Confusion) – The Better Newsletter #48
At a recent conference, I asked a woman, “What do you usually say when people ask what you do?” She replied, “I tell them…”