Years ago, I presented a Tongue Fu! seminar about conflict resolution and put up a slide with my adaptation of Eleanor Roosevelt’s quote which said, ‘No one can make us mad without our consent.’ A woman raised her hand and said, “I agree because I’ve lived through it.
Browsing CategoryConflict
Wallowing Won’t Win – The Better Newsletter #51
Growing up in 4-H and FFA, my siblings and I spent summers taking our animals to the county fair.
Fresh Start? – The Better Newsletter #42
One rainy day when my son Andrew was young, he got bored and used some crayons to turn our wall into a colorful mural.
I was not a happy camper. In the midst of letting him know this, he looked up and said, “Mom, can we have a FRESH START?”
The Dreaded 5%er – The Better Newsletter #37
Do you deal with someone who repeatedly puts people down? Who blames everyone else for what goes wrong? Chances are you’re dealing with a bully – or what I call a 5%er.
Stop Should-ing On Yourself – The Better Newsletter #36
Years ago, I had the privilege of working for Rod Laver. One day after our national tennis camp, Rod asked if I’d like to “hit for a bit,” which was his way of…
I’m SO Angry! – The Better Newsletter #34
I let a friend use my lake cottage, for free. When I arrived the next weekend, I couldn’t believe what a mess he left…
Listen Up, Literally – The Better Newsletter #26
A woman told our group that her friend had recently gotten laid off. She tried to commiserate by saying “I know just how you feel.” Her friend fired back, “You do NOT know how I feel.”
Beauty & The Boat – The Better Newsletter #17
My friend Glenna was married to Jim, a former linebacker for the Green Bay Packers, who loved being out on the lake…
Never Yell At a Barking Dog – The Better Newsletter #16
I signed our Jack Russell Terrier up for obedience training. At our first session he was so excited, he wouldn’t stop…
Stop Driving Into Hurricanes – The Better Newsletter #14
I was driving to Chesapeake Bay to stay in a friend’s beachfront home. The only problem? A hurricane was also headed there…