As Emcee of the Maui Writers Conference, I walked the beach every morning. One morning, I saw Pulitzer-Prize winning author Frank McCourt (Angela’s Ashes) writing away on two high-school composition notebooks… I was intrigued and asked, “Frank, quick question, what are you doing?”
Browsing CategoryWriting
Show Don’t Tell – The Better Newsletter #73
Years ago, I judged a pitch competition called The Dolphin Tank. I reviewed the business plans the night before, including one for a hook you put in your car to put your purse on…
Don’t Think, Do – The Better Newsletter #72
Years ago, while writing my book What’s Holding You Back?, I had just a week left to submit it to my editor—except the Intro wasn’t even finished.
It wasn’t for lack of effort. The more I tried, the more the right words eluded me.
An Act of AGENCY – The Better Newsletter #69
Did you hear that Barnes & Noble’s top book for 2024 is James? In an interview, author Percival Everett said, “What Jim’s seeking in this world is a recognition of his agency – that’s what writing becomes for him.” He’s right! Writing is an act of AGENCY.
The Creative’s Contract – The Better Newsletter #57
I’ll always remember walking Wailea Beach with National Geographic photographer Dewitt Jones. We’d go about 100 yards and he’d stop, whip out a little notebook and pen from his pocket and write something down. I finally asked, “Dewitt, what are you doing?”
Break Out Instead of Blend In – The Better Newsletter #50
JJ asked me, “I want you to kick off the program, so what’s the FIRST thing we need to do to create a successful book that sells for years to come?”
From Imposter to Inspired – The Better Newsletter #35
One day, I saw a woman sitting on the beach by herself, crying. I went over and asked, “Are you okay?” She said, “No, I’m NOT okay. I don’t belong here…”
Make Your Life Your Lab – The Better Newsletter #23
I’ll always remember walking a Maui beach with National Geographic photographer Dewitt Jones. Every so often, Dewitt would stop, whip out a little notebook and pen from his pocket and write something down. I finally asked…
Want Support COMPLETING Your Creative Project?
“IDEAS are the beginning point of all fortune.” – Napoleon Hill Ideas are a dime a dozen. They only have the power to benefit you and others when you ACT on your ideas and turn…
Introducing Sam Horn’s New Online Training
Are you… * Thinking about writing a book?* Wanting to turn your lessons-learned into a business book that drives your career?* Considering sharing your personal story in a self-help book or inspirational memoir?|* In the midst…