“Let’s give them something to talk about.” – Bonnie Raitt song lyric I recently spoke at a conference where two co-authors shared their findings after taking 2 years to interview people who were at the…
Posts Published bysamhorn
Tongue Fu! is #3 in South Korea!
Tongue Fu!’s popularity in South Korea, where it is the number 3 business book, and its use by entities ranging from the US Embassy in London and the US Navy, has reminded me of the fact that the…
What Can Ukulele Player Jake Shimabukuro Teach Us About Communication?
I’m here speaking in Waikiki and chanced upon an excellent PBS-Hawaii documentary last night about Jake, a virtuoso who has “hit it big,” yet remains grounded in his values. Jake Shimabukuro: Life on Four Strings…
Got Focus?
Do you know one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned as a result of researching, writing and speaking about attention, concentration and focus? If we want to truly FOCUS, we must first truly SEE. Yet, to really…
How Malala Yousafzai’s Story Has Inspired The World
“The role of the musician is to understand the content of something and to being able to communicate it so it lives in somebody else.” – Cellist Yo-Yo Ma This morning, 17-year-old Malala Yousafzai became…
7 Steps To Delivering a Mind-Blowing TED Talk
TRANSFORM YOUR RUN-OF-THE-MILL PRESENTATION IDEAS BY APPLYING THE “SEVEN CS OF ORIGINAL MESSAGING.” BY SAM HORN It’s been said that there are no original ideas. But what may seem like old hat to you could become…
Do I Have to Be Funny? Only If You Want People to Listen
“Laughter is the closest distance between two people.” – Victor Borge A client preparing a TEDx talk told me, “I know humor is important, but I’m not funny. Every time I try to tell a joke, it falls flat. ” I told him,…
Why Never to End a Talk with “Thank You” – and What To Do Instead
Do you know how most speakers, managers and committee chairs wrap up their presentations and meetings? “Thank you for listening.” “We’re out of time. That’s it for today,” or “If you have any questions, please let me know.”…
Never Start Your Presentation with “First, Let Me Tell You About Myself”
I have actually SEEN audience members roll their eyes as soon as a speaker says, “First, let me tell you a little about myself.” Why? #1. It’s rarely a little. It’s often a litany of…
60 Inspiring Quotes from Women Leaders, Entrepreneurs and Founders
“Life may give you a cactus, but you don’t have to sit on it.” – Joyce Meyers A prospective client sent me his power point deck for his upcoming presentation. He asked for my feedback…