I let a friend use my lake cottage, for free. When I arrived the next weekend, I couldn’t believe what a mess he left…
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Back to Basics – The Better Newsletter #33
Years ago I was watching Chris Evert’s commentary at Wimbledon. She said…
Messages That Matter – The Better Newsletter #32
People often tell me, “I’m a business owner, not a speaker.” I reply back with…
Listen Up, Literally – The Better Newsletter #26
A woman told our group that her friend had recently gotten laid off. She tried to commiserate by saying “I know just how you feel.” Her friend fired back, “You do NOT know how I feel.”
What’s Your Problem? – The Better Newsletter #25
A receptionist at a medical center I presented a program for told me, “I never understood why people were so rude to me when I was so nice to them. Then I realized I used what you call ‘fighting phrases’ all the time.
Make Your Life Your Lab – The Better Newsletter #23
I’ll always remember walking a Maui beach with National Geographic photographer Dewitt Jones. Every so often, Dewitt would stop, whip out a little notebook and pen from his pocket and write something down. I finally asked…
AGEncy Over Age – The Better Newsletter #22
Years ago, I had the privilege of working with Grand Slam champion Rod Laver on Hilton Head Island, SC. I used to be a 4.5 player and loved playing singles and working up a fun sweat. One of the women in our league had a habit of saying,
Goodbye Guilt – Hello Glee -The Better Newsletter #19
Carol worked in DC and commuted 2-3 hours EVERY DAY. Being away from home for 13+ hours a day made her feel especially guilty because
Your UNDEVOTED Attention – The Better Newsletter #18
Years ago, the boys and I were discussing plans for the weekend over dinner. Tom looked a little distracted so I asked, “Tom, are you listening to me?”
Never Yell At a Barking Dog – The Better Newsletter #16
I signed our Jack Russell Terrier up for obedience training. At our first session he was so excited, he wouldn’t stop…