Go Ahead. You First. – The Better Newsletter #77

Have you ever driven California’s spectacular Pacific Coast Highway? If so, you’re familiar with its many hairpin turns.

In the day, you can see what’s ahead and adapt accordingly. Unfortunately, I didn’t get there during the day, I got there at dusk.

After the sun went down, it got really dark. No moon, no street lights, no nothing. I had no idea what was coming next.

I kept trying to reassure myself with, “I can do this. Three hours from now, I’ll be safe and sound in my hotel room.”

Suddenly, a truck zoomed up behind me and flashed its brights. I did what I’d been taught to do growing up in a small mountain valley. I pulled over to let the driver go ahead.

The problem? The pull-out was gravel and shorter than anticipated.

I started sliding and the harder I braked, the more I slid. I finally came to a stop a few feet from the cliff’s edge.

I sat there and shook. The truck was long gone. It was just me, the deserted road, (and I know this sounds dramatic but it’s true), a realization that my lifelong default of putting other people first had just about cost me my life.

Sound familiar? Is your default, “No, go ahead. You go first.”

If you’re a leader, parent or caregiver, this may have become your norm. You may feel it’s your responsibility to put others first.

The question is, to what degree? At what cost?


Next time you’re about to take yourself out of your own story, pause and ask yourself these questions…

  • Am I putting other people’s needs first and not even considering my own?

  • Do I frequently sacrifice what I want to give other people what they want?

  • Does my giving in or going along count as “martyrdom?

  • Is this a one-time thing – or an ongoing pattern?

  • What is a need or priority that’s important to me that I’ve been putting aside?

  • How can I can bring more of that into my life so I’m serving myself as well as others… now, not someday?

P.S. If putting yourself last has become the norm, my upcoming Clarity Weekend can help you reset. It’s a chance to get clear on what you want + get momentum to make it happenDetails here.

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