A participant in one of my SOMEDAY Salons said, “I love the title of your book. How did you come up with it?“ I told her…
30 Quotes to Stop Procrastinating NOW!
Have you ever put something off for “SOMEDAY?” Stop waiting for the right time, person, situation and start living your life on your terms! Here are some quotes to help you do that.
Goodbye Guilt – Hello Glee -The Better Newsletter #19
Carol worked in DC and commuted 2-3 hours EVERY DAY. Being away from home for 13+ hours a day made her feel especially guilty because
Your UNDEVOTED Attention – The Better Newsletter #18
Years ago, the boys and I were discussing plans for the weekend over dinner. Tom looked a little distracted so I asked, “Tom, are you listening to me?”
Beauty & The Boat – The Better Newsletter #17
My friend Glenna was married to Jim, a former linebacker for the Green Bay Packers, who loved being out on the lake…
Never Yell At a Barking Dog – The Better Newsletter #16
I signed our Jack Russell Terrier up for obedience training. At our first session he was so excited, he wouldn’t stop…
Rewarding Resourcefulness – The Better Newsletter #15
My friend Jen sailed competitively through college and tried different careers but nothing “stuck.” So, she and her parents found a beautiful yacht and…
Stop Driving Into Hurricanes – The Better Newsletter #14
I was driving to Chesapeake Bay to stay in a friend’s beachfront home. The only problem? A hurricane was also headed there…
Get Out of the Grind – The Better Newsletter #13
I read an Outside Magazine interview with William Finnegan where he was asked, “Do you have a favorite moment in surfing?”…
Hack Your Fears – The Better Newsletter #12
A few years ago, a woman told me, “I want to stop letting fear rule my life and start doing things that scare me…