Stop Driving Into Hurricanes – The Better Newsletter #14


The first day of my “Year By The Water,” I was driving to Chesapeake Bay to stay in a beachfront home a friend had graciously loaned me.

The only problem? A hurricane was also headed there.

As I got closer, I thought to myself, “Why drive into a hurricane?!

Another voice in my head said, “Well, to keep my commitment, of course!

The rational voice said, “But this is unsafe. And, under the circumstances, perhaps it would be okay, even advisable, to break this promise?”

Agreed! I called my friend and told her I wasn’t coming, to which she replied, “Good choice.”

My epiphany?

Where else in my life am I keeping commitments – out of habit or integrity – that are no longer relevant or healthy?

If we know we’re heading into a hot mess, and we’re doing it simply because we said we would (or because it’s what we’ve always done), maybe it’s wise to go against Nike’s advice – and just NOT do it.

Yes, honoring our “word” is important… But a strength taken to extreme can quickly become our Achilles Heel.

If a relationship or commitment is not working anymore; if you wish you hadn’t made this promise and want to change things; why not have a conversation with your client, colleague or partner to get their point of view?

Maybe, together, you can come up with a more effective course correction that benefits both of you.

Next time you’re about to drive into a hurricane, stop and ask yourself, “WHY?”

You may discover a new route that bypasses the drama (and trauma) and ends up being a win for everyone.


  • Get out your journal or phone notes and reflect on this question…
    Is there anything in my life that I do out of habit – that is no longer relevant or healthy?


  • Next time, STOP! Ask yourself “Am I driving into a hurricane?”

    • Then sit in the discomfort of questioning that habitual behavior for a minute or two…

    • Then choose whether or not you want to continue (no judgement)… or make a different choice that better serves you now and in the future.

Here’s to being better.

Until next time,
Sam Horn

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