I’m Dying to Tell You – The Better Newsletter #2


I recently had a chat with Dr. Mark Goulston, M.D., F.A.P.A., Co-Founder of the Deeper Coaching Institute, on his WAKEUP CALL podcast.

It was unlike any podcast I’ve ever done (and I’ve done A LOT of them!)

What was clear by the end, is that Mark is the definition of a person who inspires others to be their best.

His gently probing questions encouraged me to dig deep and share thinks (intentional) I haven’t shared before that wanted to be expressed.

He’s always been like this, however he has a new sense of urgency.

Mark is dealing with a challenging health diagnosis and is in the midst of isolating in preparation for a bone marrow transplant.

One of the things he knows after his decades as a psychiatrist is that we are creatures of habit. We rarely change our behavior unless we have a S.E.E.

A S.E.E. is a Significant Emotional Event.

And they’re usually dramatic or traumatic. We lose a loved one, get fired, go through a tough divorce, or, like Mark, have a health challenge.

Mark wants us to get that epiphany without having to go through the pain.

So, he took his lessons-learned and created a You Tube and TikTok series called “I’m Dying to Tell You.”

In these short videos, he shares what it’s like to be on the frontlines of mortality, because as he says, “dying has taught me more about life than living.”

Mark helps us come to clarity about whether we’re being our truest self. He makes us want to be a better person – a better parent, partner, leader.

Because the clock is ticking – for all of us.


  • Who in your life has helped you be all you can be?

  • Take out your phone right now and send that person a text/email telling them what their support means to you. Trust me, you’ll BOTH be happy you did.

Here’s to being better.

Until next time,
Sam Horn

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    Do you have a real-life example you'd like to share of how you deal with difficult people - without becoming one yourself? A story of how you've learned to think on your feet and handle challenging situations in the moment? I'd love to hear it, along with any other sensitive, stressful situations you suggest I include in my work on Talking on Eggshells? With your permission, we may share it with readers and audiences so they can benefit from your insights and lessons-learned.
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