My friend Maria passed her state’s real estate exam and obtained her license.
After many weekends of open houses, Maria still hadn’t made one sale.
She trudged into her supervisor’s office, collapsed into the chair by his desk and announced, “I quit!”
He looked at her in shock, “You can’t quit! You’ve only been an agent for a few months.”
She said, “I’ve logged countless miles on my car, worked with dozens of clients, and have nothing to show for it. I’ve decided the old adage ‘You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink’ is right.”
Her wise boss smiled and said, “Maria, you’re not supposed to make them drink, you’re supposed to make them thirsty.”
Maria told me her boss’s advice to make people “thirsty” made sense, she just didn’t know how to do it.
I shared the following tips with Maria and I hope they help you too.
After all, people are more likely to be thirsty and say yes because they want to – not because they’re being told to or sold to.