Years ago, while writing my book What’s Holding You Back?, I had just a week left to submit it to my editor—except the Intro wasn’t even finished.
It wasn’t for lack of effort. The more I tried, the more the right words eluded me.
I was in Denver at the time for a speaking engagement and decided to take a break to hit the gym. I jumped on a treadmill and started walking briskly, thinking about my book.
Within minutes, the introduction just came to me. I jumped off the treadmill, grabbed some paper and one of those tiny pencils from a locker room bench, and scribbled down my thoughts as fast as they poured out.
When I turned in the manuscript, my editor gave me one of the best compliments I’ve ever received: “Sam, it flows like a symphony. I wouldn’t change a word.”
I’m convinced that intro flowed so beautifully because I stopped trying to think it up—and instead stepped into the flow.
You see, activity is an idea catalyst. You’re not avoiding work; you’re energizing it.
Next time you’re “stuck,” don’t overthink—just get up and move!
This “Don’t think, do” approach might be what you need to break through.
Think back to the last time a great idea or solution came to you effortlessly. Were you walking, showering, driving, or doing something active?
Next time you feel stuck, engage in that activity and watch what flows.
Are you overthinking a project or challenge right now?
Step away from your desk and take a brisk walk, stretch, or do an unrelated task. Notice if new insights or ideas start to flow.
P.S. Want help coming to clarity? Step into the flow while walking with me on the stream trail behind my home in Austin, TX at CLARITY WEEKEND. Details here.