I’ll always remember attending a talk on “happiness” presented by a well-known professor…
Stuck? Do This! – The Better Newsletter #29
Last year, my book launch for Talking on Eggshells was coming up and I was stuck…
From Worry to Wonder – The Better Newsletter #28
A client preparing a presentation told me, “I know it’s important to share stories, but I don’t have any.” I told her…
Set the S.C.E.N.E. With Stories – The Better Newsletter #27
A client preparing a presentation told me, “I know it’s important to share stories, but I don’t have any.” I told her…
Listen Up, Literally – The Better Newsletter #26
A woman told our group that her friend had recently gotten laid off. She tried to commiserate by saying “I know just how you feel.” Her friend fired back, “You do NOT know how I feel.”
What’s Your Problem? – The Better Newsletter #25
A receptionist at a medical center I presented a program for told me, “I never understood why people were so rude to me when I was so nice to them. Then I realized I used what you call ‘fighting phrases’ all the time.
Jump Off the Jealousy See Saw – The Better Newsletter #24
At an annual convention, everyone went around the lunch table introducing themselves. It quickly turned into a brag-fest. This person had just been on Oprah, that one…
Make Your Life Your Lab – The Better Newsletter #23
I’ll always remember walking a Maui beach with National Geographic photographer Dewitt Jones. Every so often, Dewitt would stop, whip out a little notebook and pen from his pocket and write something down. I finally asked…
AGEncy Over Age – The Better Newsletter #22
Years ago, I had the privilege of working with Grand Slam champion Rod Laver on Hilton Head Island, SC. I used to be a 4.5 player and loved playing singles and working up a fun sweat. One of the women in our league had a habit of saying,
Pop Out of the Pack – The Better Newsletter #21
Julie told me that she wanted to write a breakout book in her genre – but “All the great titles are taken.” I asked her “What is something you hear, over and over again when you talk with your clients?” She laughed, and said…