Years ago, I came down with a respiratory illness that wouldn’t get better. A friend finally took me to Urgent Care and the doc diagnosed me with…
Your Wild & Precious Life – The Better Newsletter #10
I popped into literary agent Michael Larsen’s session while he was discussing the importance of titles. Someone in the audience asked, “What’s an example of a great title?”
What’s Your Utah? – The Better Newsletter #9
Years ago, I was driving through Texas at golden hour, and as I drove over a hill – there, stretched out to the horizon, were…
Appreciating Abundance – The Better Newsletter #8
Years ago, living on Maui, I felt torn between two worlds. I had my two sons who I loved and wanted to be with AND had a thriving speaking business that kept me on the road…
What Do You Pay Attention To? – The Better Newsletter #7
It can be discouraging to watch the news and witness yet another tragedy or disaster. The good news is, there is a way to make things better.
Clarity Vs Control – The Better Newsletter #6
I was talking with a woman who is in the midst of growing her speaking career. She told me, “I worry because I’m pouring a lot of effort and money IN and not getting much money or results BACK OUT.”
Put Yourself In The Story – The Better Newsletter #5
A couple of years ago, I had an eye-opening experience on a drive down California’s Pacific Coast Highway…
Are You an Ambivert? – The Better Newsletter #4
I was surprised when a well-known influencer told me she’s an introvert. She said…
Results or Regrets – The Better Newsletter #3
Years ago, I was in Boston speaking as part of my “Year by the Water.” During the Q & A, a woman raised her hand and asked…
I’m Dying to Tell You – The Better Newsletter #2
I recently had a chat with Dr. Mark Goulston on his WAKEUP CALL podcast. It was unlike any podcast I’ve ever done…