Accident or Opportunity? – The Better Newsletter #31

Several years ago, I was driving west as part of my Year by the Water. I didn’t book hotels in advance because I wanted the freedom to make it up along the way.

One day, I was driving through Tennessee’s glorious Smoky Mountains. They were so beautiful, I thought it’d be a crime to stay at a cookie-cutter “highway hotel” – so I kept my eyes open for something green and in nature.

I saw a sign for Fairfield Glade Resort and thought, “That sounds green.” I had no idea what it was, didn’t know if they had places to rent, or if they’d have anything available, but figured “what do I have to lose?” 

20 minutes later, I was checking into a luxurious two bedroom condo with a washing machine, kitchen and spacious back porch overlooking woodlands – for about the same price as I would have paid for a hotel.

Even better… The next morning, I found myself “making waves and catching rays” (thanks Little Big Town) as I piloted a pontoon boat on beautiful Lake Dartmoor, lined by the greenest golf courses I’ve ever seen.

What’s the lesson? I didn’t PLAN this.  I PARTNERED with it.

I didn’t even KNOW this place existed a few hours before. All I did was get clear about what I didn’t want (no highway hotels) – and what I did want (something green and in nature) – and kept my antenna up for it.

When I saw something that was in alignment with my wants and wishes, I investigated. There were no guarantees about what might happen, but my intuition was intrigued.

If you have a beats the odds experience – it is not an accident– it is an opportunity to connect with someone or something that will light you up.

And, the more you connect with those aligned individuals and opportunities, the better your life gets. All because you’re partnering with life instead of planning it.


  • If you want a life where the light is on in your eyes, but aren’t sure where to begin… Start here!

    • Grab your journal and put a vertical line down the center.

    • On the left side, write down everything you know you DON’T want.

    • On the right side, write down everything you DO want (yes, everything! Forget about the “how” just write it down.)

    • Once you have a clear idea of what you’re looking for – keep your eyes open for serendipity to occur.

    • REMEMBER – When an opportunity presents itself, try not to second guess it, just take it! And, guess what? The more you accept, the more you’ll get.

Until next time… Here’s to being better.

Sam Horn

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