Do you ever: Find people texting or tuning out when you’re talking to them? Have a tough time explaining what you do? Get frustrated because you can’t get across the value of what you have to offer in…
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Can We REALLY Get People’s Attention in 60 Seconds?
THAT’S ALL THE TIME YOU NEED TO GET TO YES. REALLY. “No one wants to go out mid-sentence.” –Johnny Depp And, as Johnny would surely agree, no one wants investors to nod off…
Did You Know GOLDFISH Have Longer Attention Spans than We Do?
“A lot of times people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.” pioneer Steve Jobs I agree with Steve Jobs. That’s why, as soon as I discovered a startling statistic from…
Want to Get the Attention of Your Convention Audiences?
“I have found there is no substitute for paying attention.” – TV anchor Diane Sawyer Unfortunately, in today’s culture of impatience and distraction, it can be challenging to motivate people to pay attention…
How to Create a Unique Niche
“When you’re one-of-a-kind, you have no competition.” – Sam Horn, author of POP! and Got Your Attention? Do you wish you could: * figure out what makes you original? * clarify the secret sauce that…
Got Your Attention? Wins Book of the Year Award
What a thrill to hear from publisher Berrett-Koehler that my book GOT YOUR ATTENTION? is the INDIEFAB gold medal winner in the career category. Here ‘s the announcement from Foreword Reviews. Following that good news,…
POP! Out of Your Crowd by Being One-of-a-Kind
“You gotta be original. If you’re not, what do they need you for?” – actress Bernadette Peters. Do you think everything’s been said and done? Do you think there’s nothing new under the sun? Au contraire….
Are You Repeatable and Retweetable?
Quick. Think of the last meeting, conference or pitch you attended. Can you remember anything of what was said? More importantly, can you repeat anything you heard – word for word? If not, the messages…