Do you ever: Find people texting or tuning out when you’re talking to them? Have a tough time explaining what you do? Get frustrated because you can’t get across the value of what you have to offer in…
Posts Published bysamhorn
Lose Control of Your Meetings
“I get a little itchy if I don’t have some control.” – SNL actress Amy Poehler Face it, these days, everyone gets a little itchy if they don’t have some control. That’s why it is…
Can We REALLY Get People’s Attention in 60 Seconds?
THAT’S ALL THE TIME YOU NEED TO GET TO YES. REALLY. “No one wants to go out mid-sentence.” –Johnny Depp And, as Johnny would surely agree, no one wants investors to nod off…
Live in Day-Right Compartments
Dale Carnegie said, “Live in day-TIGHT compartments.” With a nod to Dale Carnegie, how about we choose to live in day-RIGHT compartments? We can’t control life. It does no good to regret the past or…
Are You Customizing Your Communication?
“We’re all in a race for relevance.” – journalist Eleanor Clift When you were growing up, did your parents or teachers tell you to “Use your words?” If so, it was their…
Don’t Tell and Sell. Show and Ask
“You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.” – line from the movie Django Unchained Many of us grew up doing “Show and Tell” in elementary school. A premise of INTRIGUE is, “It’s…
Got Intrigue? The Art And Business of Giving and Getting Attention
I told a participant in my #SXSW workshop, “Congrats. Your pitch passed The Eyebrow Test®” “What’s that?” he asked. I said, “The Eyebrow Test®?” is a way to: BE more intriguing in the first 60…
Do Your Emails Pass the 5-Sentence Test?
Pulitzer Prize winning humorist Gene Weingarten said, “Let’s address the elephant in the room. ‘YO Elephant!’” Do you know what the elephant in the room in every business interaction is? People wondering, “How long will…
Are You Writing History or Reading It?
Intriguing quote from Scott Borchetta, “If I ask for your attention, I’d better be ready for it” in this USA TODAY article from Brian Mansfield. Borchetta is the record label CEO who Mansfield says, “launched…
Thank a Woman Mentor on International Women’s Day
Don Draper said in a Mad Men episode, “If you don’t like what’s being said, change the conversation.” Let’s change the conversation about women not helping each other. When I speak at leadership conferences for…